Turned is an action melee combat prototype made within 40 hours for a game jam.
The player must defeat the original vampire that turned him into a vampire. The player will have to fight the vampire’s minions in order to reach him.
The game features the following :
I made this game alone and spent time with :
I used for this game:
I took some ressources from:
You can try it in your browser by following this link : https://inoms.itch.io/turned
Below you can find the devlog splitted in a few parts.
The most important skill to have for game jams is the ability to asses how long it takes to add any feature.
I worked on two game jams games before. As it was my first time doing it fully alone, I failed to asses the time i’ll have to spend doing art.
From the very moment when I decided to go for this game jam (the day before it’s starts), I started planning and gathering my resources.
I started by creating a board on trello (any other planning tool such as paper and pen might suffice). In this board I tried to keep as few items as possible to make a game I believe on.
By the end of the jam, I still had a few items not done.
With the vampire theme, I was free to use any human character as a base. I took one from www.mixamo.com and customized it within Houdini.
For sounds, I made the ones I could and the rest was taken from freesound .
I never tried to do a Third person action/combat game => Let’s do it (after all it’s a game jam, for fun !)
As I joined the game jam at the last moment, I had no team, and no artist => Let’s prove that learning to use SideFX Houdini was the right choice (and yes it was !)
So, I had to :
All in 6 days (I couldn’t work on it on Sunday).
That let me plan like this (in order of priority):
I had to drop two things because of the time I spent trying and failing to implement a free flow like combat:
The game core mechanics I planned to implement has 2 states :
Free move : when not in combat, the player can run everywhere.
Combat move : the player front is selected enemy. movement freedom is lost until all enemies are down.
On free move, the controls are standard. I used root motions from the Mixamo animations to move the player forward and implemented a little geometry to make the move depend on the camera angle.
My first component is the MovementController. As it uses the camera angle, it was developed in parallel with the implementation of the wonderfull Cinemachine camera system.
To make the game enjoyable by people who doesn’t own a game controller, I’ve set two sets of inputs, keyboard+mouse and game controller.
At this stage, the game is composed of a Player with a MovementController component. The Player script will have in charge to keep track of the player states like “inCombat” that will activate the free movement controls or the in combat ones.
Sadly, I didn’t complete the combat movement system, it’s still buggy when you try to move around, or toward, the enemy.
I wanted to implement a free flow like combat system (Yes… I didn’t foresee the complexity of such systems…).
To do that, I put in place two entities :
The main idea was to make enemies take turns.
I implemented a timer with a random limit (from .3 to 1.2 secs) that triggers one of the enemies action.
This system helped a lot with the messy “all hitting together melee combat” I got when enemies were alone.
So we have 4 states for enemies:
The enemies movements are handled by Unity build-in navmesh system . This makes harder the fact to avoid the feeling of the AI gliding on the floor because I don’t use root motion here and animation speed can be a little off sync with actual movement.
I like 3d scene menu with animations. So I worked on one for Turned !
I wished to implement a few things within the menu :
The trickiest part was the little Vampire biting animation. I took an animation from Mixamo that I customized to my needs but the process was low and painful to a newcomer like me.
I tried to do this within Houdini before exporting the fbx to Unity.
I wanted to make a funny little introduction for my game so I took 2 hours to make a little sequence using Cinemachine and Timeline.
All the sounds are recorded with my smartphone and synced with the action using Timeline.
I made a quick storyboard with 5 images to illustrate the fact that it will feature a bat sneaking through a window to discover that the player character was in town and that he is a vampire before flying to tell his master about it.
So the goals of this scene were:
I found it pretty successful to introduce a backstory. But the fact that just after the player was thrown away in the streets to combat humans was too harsh.
As the time ran out, I had to make a final build for WebGL and discover that some of my lighting wasn’t taken into account in WebGL.
So I made a few adjustments before releasing this prototype.
What went right ? Wrong ? What I’ll do next time ? You can read it in the Post Mortem that will be available soon.
What do you think?